What is Math K?

Math K help you to learn math in the most simplest and easiest as possible. A lot of people struggle at math because they find it difficult and confusing. They felt their brain are not capable to understand what is being taught, but the real problem is the approach of lesson. A lot of lesson and topic are being introduce today to a much younger student compare to the previous curriculum. The lesson are much denser but the method and material are the same resulting to a cramming and memorization method with not fully understood what had happen. The Math K hope to reduce the fear at math and make it fun again.


Importance of Math

We compute, solve, and analyze everyday without realizing it. It could be comparing your portion of meal to your siblings, or the time your favorite TV show, or maybe if it would be worth the energy to go up to your room and change or just remain wearing your uniform until you need to go to bed. Math is not always number, it maybe a representation or a visualization, and is also not always being exact but sometime it can be estimated. To simplify, math is like being in a Matrix movie but not seeing numbers around you, but the feeling knowing it.

As much as we like it, we can’t just always rely on gut feelings, we must also know the exactness so we can be specific to the amount or size we want or need. If not, we will always be asking something too much or less, larger or small, or worst having nothing.

So lets learn math so that we can always be clever enough to solve are daily dilemma and receive the right amount we need.