
What is Fraction?

A fraction is numerical quantity that is not a whole number. This is the exact definition you’ll get when you use google. Another good definition from the internet are:

  • Part of a whole
  • A number between zero and one

Using the definition we gather, we can tell that a Fraction in general is a portion or a part of whole piece or a body. The most common and easiest example of this is a sliced slice fraction

Identifying Fraction

It is easy to identify a fraction, always look for a number with fraction bar. A fraction bar is a line that separate the two whole number in a fraction.

Fraction sample 2

Below are example of fraction:

Fraction sample

Part of Fraction

Part of Fraction

A fraction are made up of the 3 above Numerator, Denominator, and the Fraction Bar which we talk about earlier.

Numerator – tells you the number you need, take, or remains.

Denominator – tells you the total number equally divide in a whole.


Numerator is always the number above the Fraction Bar, while the Denominator is below the line.


Instruction: Identify the Fraction. Tell which number is a fraction or not.

Fraction exercise

Answer key


  • Fraction is a part of a whole.
  • You can identify a fraction by a fraction bar.
  • Numerator is the number above, while Denominator is below.

So are you ready? Let see how well you understand the lesson.

Set 1


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